Tepelné ošetrenie IPPC
Tepelné ošetrenie IPPC

Wooden pallets > Heat treatment

FAO ISPM 15 - Heat treatment of the IPPC

In 2002 issued a Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO directive on the regulation of packaging material in international trade. Wood packaging that did not meet the requirements for treatment and identification is practically useless for international trade. Smernica ISPM No. ISPM No. Directive 15 (International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures) , includes requirements for the treatment of wooden packaging material to prevent the transport and spread of pests. For wood packaging is treated pallets, translations, boxes, barrels, indent, packaging, loading platforms and supports nezpracovaného made of wood. Processed wood like plywood, processed high temperature, pressure and glue are not considered a phytosanitary problem can be transported anywhere. Heat packaging must be marked on 1.3.2005, including allocated permanent logo indelible manner. Make the wooden packaging manufactured before this date and the end of 2007 may only include the ISO country code, manufacturer's number and treatment code. Od 1. From January 2010 will have all wooden packaging and wood supporting the IPPC logo and brand. Implementation of ISPM 15 and import requirements of individual countries for wood packaging material can be found here www.ispm15.com